The Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist are infinite gifts of God’s mercy and grace
that Jesus gave to his Church for our salvation.
These gifts have been faithfully transmitted from the 1st century Apostles to us today through the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church established by Jesus and guided by the Holy Spirit as he promised. These sacraments are received by children usually in the second grade or as they reach the age of reason. We often refer to this class as “the Sacrament Class.” If your child is older than second grade and has not yet received these sacraments, simply email and we will discuss alternatives with you.
Reconciliation always precedes the Eucharist because it is fitting to repent of our sins to be properly disposed to receive Jesus, who is God, in the Eucharist.
At least 1 prior year of Faith Formation in the Church is expected prior to entering the Sacrament class. If your child has not met this expectation, simply email us.
Baptismal Certificate
Sacrament class students must submit a copy (image or pdf) of their baptismal certificate to if they were not baptized at St. Mary's of the Lake in Skaneateles.
Sacrament Class Calendar
Our Sacrament Class calendar and parent guidebook will be published soon for the 2024-25 school year and will be linked here.
From September to December we will learn about Reconciliation. Here are some of the truths your child will learn about God’s gift of Reconciliation. Students will make their first Reconciliation in January of each year. Faithful Catholic parents should receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation prior to their child receiving it, annually as a precept of the Church for the good of their own soul, and in order to live out the Faith by example in family life. Continue reading below to see what does First Reconciliation look like.
From January to May we will learn about the Eucharist. Here are some of the truths your child will learn about God’s gift of Himself in the Eucharist. First Holy Communion Mass is scheduled during the Easter season each year. Because the Eucharist is the source and summit of Christian worship at Mass, everything we learn will be in the context of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. What a joy it is to attend Mass on Sunday as a family to experience in practice what we teach in the classroom!
We have an annual Eucharist Retreat usually a week or two before the First Communion Mass. One parent is required to attend the retreat, but both parents are welcome to attend. At the retreat, parents will participate with their child in final preparation for the Sacrament. We usually make a Eucharistic Coat of Arms craft for display at the First Communion Mass, watch a short video, and most importantly spend time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Eucharistic Adoration will include some instruction, journaling, silent prayer time with Jesus and some reflection. It is an awesome opportunity to praise God for all the graces He has given us in our life and ask Him for the graces we need.
What does First Reconciliation look like?
On the day of the sacrament, children and parent(s) will arrive at the church during their scheduled 15-minute time block. We will greet you as you enter. Simply choose a seat, kneel and pray, do the examination of conscience, then we will guide your child into the confessional with Father. After confession return to your seat and pray your penance. Your child will be presented a special gift before you leave.
Check out this video to see an example of First Reconciliaiton in action.
Here you can view and download My Guide to Confession for Kids. This is a pamphlet your child can use on the day of First Reconciliation. During class they will have learned everything it contains, but sometimes children can be a bit nervous on the day of their first confession. It contains an examination of conscience, the Act of Contrition, the steps to making a good confession, and some common prayers the priest gives as a penance.
To Contact Us…
We are always available to help and truly enjoy talking with parents about these great Sacramental gifts and accompanying you and your family in your faith journey. Contact us anytime if you have questions or ideas.
Office 315-685-5083