First Reconciliation & First Communion
Our Sacramental Preparation program is designed as a faith journey for kids, and their parents to take together.
Program Details
First Reconciliation: Preparation begins in in September and receive their first Reconciliation in December and/or January of each year. Faithful Catholic parents should receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation prior to their child receiving it, annually as a precept of the Church for the good of their own soul, and in order to live out the Faith by example in family life.
First Eucharist: Preparation begins following the person receiving first Reconciliation. First Holy Communion Mass is scheduled during the Easter season each year. Because the Eucharist is the source and summit of Christian worship at Mass, everything we learn will be in the context of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. What a joy it is to attend Mass on Sunday as a family to experience in practice what we teach in the classroom! We have an annual Eucharist Retreat that takes place before the First Communion Mass, at least one parent must attend with their child.
Please Note: At least 1 prior year of Faith Formation in the Church is expected prior to entering the Sacrament class. If your child has not met this expectation, simply email us.
To Contact Us: We are always available to help and truly enjoy talking with parents about these great Sacramental gifts and accompanying you and your family in your faith journey. Contact us anytime if you have questions or ideas.
- Email
- Office 315-685-5083