Welcome to St. Mary's of the Lake

Campaign Against Hunger


we eat simply so others may simply eat

"The scandal that millions of people suffer from hunger must not paralyze us, but push each and everyone of us to act;

singles, families, communities, institutions and government to eliminate this injustice."

                                                                                                            Pope Francis




  • 1 out of 6 Americans struggles from hunger; that's 49,000,000 of us.
  • 64,490 children in CNY are food insecure.  They don't know where or when they will eat again.
  • Schools provide breakfast and lunch for some; what about snow days and summer vacation?
  • 63% of food pantry clients have a high school or college education.
  • Many hospitals have noted a spike in diet-related illness at the end of the month. The working poor run out of money for food at the end of the month.


  • Let us stand up as a community to combat hunger by being MINDFUL of this vast, urgent and moral issue!
  • Let us COME TOGETHER as a PARISH COMMUNITY to make a difference.
  • Individually, parishioners at St. Mary's have had a long tradition of generosity.  Now let's join together as a FORCE FOR CHANGE!



  • Choose one day a month to eat simply. Donate savings to the Human Development committee on the last weekend of the month to provide fresh produce for local food pantries and the Food Bank of CNY.
  • Continue donating to the Skaneateles and Spafford Food Pantries as requested in the bulletin.
  • Pray for effective action in the fight against hunger.