Welcome to St. Mary's of the Lake

Confirmation Preparation

Welcome To Our Confirmation Program! 

The purpose of this preparation is to assist young men and women to come into a deeper understanding of how the Holy Spirit works in their lives, in the life of our Church, and how they can interact with the Holy Spirit to lead a life which will draw them into a closer relationship with our Lord Jesus. Our goal is to not only prepare students to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation but to teach and inspire them to respond to and cooperate with God’s grace in all the circumstances of their daily lives, long after their Confirmation has passed, while allowing parents and sponsors to engage in a process of renewal in their own faith journey.

Jesus Christ invites everyone to "Come, follow me." Teens are no different. Our goal is to create an environment where students can hear the Word of God, live their faith in community, and grow in holiness. Confirmation preparation is a two-year program specified by our Diocese. Candidates entering 8th grade or higher in the Fall should plan on attending.  Registration is offered each year in spring. Please contact the Parish Office, and ask to speak with Vicky Wejko if you have any questions.


CONFIRMATION PREP REQUIREMENTS: The two years of preparation are meant to be an immersion into the life of the Church — a time for teens to really become a part of our faith community and develop habits of sharing their gifts.  Each year candidates are required to complete:

  • Mass Attendance
  • Catechetical Sessions
  • Day of Retreat
  • 4 Faith/Sevice Experiences 


  • CONFIRMATION YEAR 1: Candidates for Confirmation can begin preparation no earlier then their 8th grade year. Each Candidate will complete their first year of preparation by attending Sunday sessions or with enrollment in an accredited Catholic High School. Confirmation Year 1 is dedicated to laying the foundation of Christian discipleship. 
  • CONFIRMATION YEAR 2: Confirmation Year 2 is a year-long formation program that gives your teen the very heart and soul of the Catholic faith to prepare him or her to worthily receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Spring of their 2nd year of preparation. Teens will attened sessions on Sunday.


Pretty much anything that goes on at the parish!  You can volunteer as a leader at VBS or to help with any of our formation programs for children.  You can serve as a babysitter for adult programs.  You can help with liturgical ministries (acolyte, greeter, lector).  You can attend Advent/Lent prayer services, adoration or any other event/speaker at the parish. Community service done outside the parish can count too (we ask that half of your experiences be connected to parish ministries).

Submission Deadlines

  • First Half of the Year: January 5th
  • Second Half of the Year: April 27th for those being confirmed this year or June 1st for those being confirmed next year

Form Can Be Found HERE

ATTENDANCE POLICY: Catechetical Sessions, Retreat Days, and the Exit Conversation are required by the Diocesan policy for Sacramental Preparation.  If you need to miss a session due to illness or an important family conflict and let us know ahead of time, we can arrange for a written make-up assignment.