Welcome to Faith Formation at St. Mary's of the Lake!
Faith Formation is a lifelong process which is centered around the Mass and Sacraments. At Baptism, each of us began our journey of faith—a journey that lasts a lifetime. We are called to ongoing formation, prayer and growth in our relationship with Jesus Christ. Thank you for allowing us to accompany you in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with your family and helping your children in the practice of the Catholic Faith!
Our Mission
Our mission is to inspire children and teens to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ through creative, relevant, and engaging programs. Recognizing that faith is rooted in relationships and begins at Baptism, we are committed to supporting each child on their lifelong journey of faith. We strive to provide age-appropriate, fun, and meaningful experiences, walking alongside families as they continue to deepen their connection to Christ.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Liturgical-based gospel messages are given to the youngest members of our church family. The program is designed for 4 to 6-year-olds to receive the gospel message at their level through music, activities, and videos. A collection of on-demand videos can be Found Here
Vacation Bible School: VBS is a one-week program that takes place in the summer each year. Your kids will have a blast while every activity, Bible lesson, and song points them to Jesus. We welcome campers from Pre-K through 8th grade to join us. We also always welcome adult and high school volunteers to come, grow, and celebrate with us. Find out more HERE
2024-2025 Children & Teen Formation Option
Twice Monthly Classes (In-person learning)*: Regular classes are generally every other Sunday for one hour. Grades K-4 start at 9 am and 5-9 start at 11:15am and use the Finding God program. We are dedicated to connecting your child to Jesus Christ and His Church. Everything we do is rooted in the love of the Gospel in to provide your child with a safe, positive environment to learn our Catholic Faith. Each grade level's lesson connects to each other but at their own age approiate level, which allows you are a family to talk about what they learned all together.
- To register for Faith Formation for 2024-25 please contact the office at stmarysff@syrdio.org
- If you've already registered and simply want to pay online, Click Here.
*Please Note: Programs run from September through May.
2024-25 Class Schedule and Details
- CLICK HERE to view and download this year's class schedule pdf.
- CLICK HERE to view and download our Family Handbook, with all information you will need for this year, along with addtional helpful family resources.
- Walk & Carpool Info: If your child will walk or carpool to faith formation with non-family members, a parent/guardian must complete and sign the Walk and Carpool Permission form which can be found here. This form must be signed annually.
Volunteers: In order to provide Faith Formation for the children of our parish, we need parents or young adults to volunteer each year who are willing to serve as catechists, substitute catechists, and hall monitors. The curriculum we use is easy to follow and provides lesson plans for every class. We will train and provide support to volunteers. For additional info or to volunteer, email us at stmarysff@syrdio.org.
Sacramental Preparation: Our Sacramental Preparation program is designed as a faith journey for kids, and their parents to take together. Preparation is separate from parish formation programs and Catholic schools.
First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion: Preparation usually begins in the Second Grade; however, we are happy to individualize a plan to meet the needs of an older child. First Reconciliation is scheduled in December and/or Janaury and First Communion is typically celebrated in late April and/or early May. Preparation for each Sacrament includes student sessions, parent meetings, family sessions, and at-home activities. If your child does not meet this expectation, or if your child is older than 2nd grade and has not received these sacraments, please email us at stmarysff@syrdio.org. We can help!
Confirmation: Confirmation preparation is a two-year program specified by our Diocese. Candidates entering 8th grade or higher in the Fall should plan on attending. Registration is offered each year in late summer. Please contact the Parish Office, and ask to speak with Vicky Wejko if you have any questions.
For more information about receiving the sacrament of Confirmation, CLICK HERE for more information