Please click here for a copy of the St. Mary's of the Lake Time and Talent Stewardship form.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is offered every second and fourth Wednesday from 7:00 – 8:00 PM.
Altar Server Ministry. The pastor extends an invitation to children to become Altar Servers, active participants in celebrating the Eucharist. Children 10 years of age or older by December 1st are urged to consider participating in this important ministry.
Annual Report. St. Mary’s of the Lake Parish Fiscal Year is July 1st through June 30th. Parish annual financial reports are provided to the parishioners each September.
Bulletins and Scripture Readings. If you were away or need a recent Parish Bulletin, you can look it up and view or copy from . There you will find bulletins for the past three months easily accessible as well as Scripture readings for the week. Or you may click the link at the home of the home page of the website.
Communion to Shut-ins. Commissioned Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are trained to bring Communion to a shut-in.
Contribution Statements. Annual contribution statements are mailed in January to families.
Devotions. Special devotions throughout the year include parish retreats, missions and seasonal Penance Services. Miraculous Medal Novena is prayed on Tuesdays after morning Mass. The Rosary is recited each day after morning Mass, Tuesday - Friday.
Electronic Giving. Parishioners can enroll in St. Mary’s Electronic Giving Program. Using electronic giving may make it easier to donate to our parish. To sign up, make changes, or modify your donations, please call the Parish Office, (315) 685-5083.
Food Committee. The Food Committee provides food for parish receptions and funeral luncheons. Please call the Parish Office to help on this committee.
Gluten Intolerance. Having a low to severe tolerance to foods containing, gluten can be problematic, even prohibitive when it comes to taking Holy Communion. If you or someone in your family is intolerant to gluten, you can be provided gluten-free communion hosts. Please contact the Parish Office 685-5083 and you will be contacted to discuss how we can help.
Hearing Difficulty. St. Mary’s has available portable receiver units that can be used with an ear-plug attachment to amplify the sound coming through the sound system in the Church.
Hospital. Notify the Parish Office, (315) 685-5083 if you are going to the hospital. You personally must let us know that you are in the hospital. Also make sure you are listed as a Catholic when you are admitted. Confidentiality laws prevent the hospital from contacting your parish. Hospital chaplains can contact us for you, but only if you request it. If a Eucharistic Minister does not visit you, check with the Spiritual Care Office to see if they know you are a Catholic.
Kitchen Committee. The Kitchen Committee takes responsibility for preparation and serving of food for large parish functions and serving at funeral luncheons. Please contact the Parish Office, (315) 685-5083, if you would like to help.
Knights of Columbus. The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal benefit society. The Order is true to its founding principles of charity, unity and fraternity. The Knights was formed to render financial aid to members and their families. Mutual aid and assistance are offered to sick, disabled and needy members and their families. Social and intellectual fellowship is promoted among members and their families through educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief and public relief works. K of C Council #207 is located at 47 Market Street, Auburn. For further information, visit the Knights of Columbus web site,
Lector Ministry. The Lector Ministry is open to adult and Confirmed high school students. Lectors are scheduled in advance for the weekend liturgies and are assigned on a rotating basis.
New Parishioners. St. Mary’s Parish warmly welcomes new parishioners. Please register as soon as possible by notifying the Parish Office, (315) 685-5083 of your name, address and contact information (phone number; email). Also please notify the Parish Office of relocation when moving out of the Parish.
Parish Bulletin Ads. Liturgical Publications, Inc. is the publisher of our weekly Parish Bulletin. Advertising sponsors help make this publication possible, and St. Mary’s Parish appreciates our advertisers for their support. To secure a space or for ad information, please call 1 800 888-4574.
Parish Pastoral Council. The St. Mary’s of the Lake Parish Pastoral Council, which is presided over by the pastor of the parish, is the principal consultative body in the parish. Those who by virtue of their office are engaged in pastoral care in the parish, give help in fostering pastoral plans. The principal role of the Council is to consider these matters and to propose practical measures, the ultimate end of which is to further the mission of the parish. Only the pastor possesses authority to make decisions concerning proposed courses of pastoral action with regard to the parish.
Prayer Chain. The Prayer Chain is a network of parishioners who agree to offer prayers for the special needs and intentions of individuals in our parish family. Please email ( or call the Parish Office at (315) 685-5083 to make a prayer request or to join the prayer chain.
Prayer Shawl Ministry. This ministry was started to bring the comfort and warmth of God's love to those who are suffering as well as support and love to those who are experiencing a special joy in their lives. It is a unique way of reaching out to the community in a very tactile way--a prayer shawl can be seen as a symbolic "hug" from God.
Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA). Anyone contemplating the possibility of becoming a full member of the Church and wishing to have the necessary instructions should contact the Parish Office. St. Mary’s has an active RCIA process. Traditionally catechumens and candidates are received into the Church during the Holy Saturday liturgy.
Safe Environment Program. In compliance with the USCCB, “Protecting God’s Children”, Adult Awareness Sessions are available and free to all adult parishioners. This training is mandated for all Clergy, Religious, all employees and any volunteer whose ministry brings them into contact with children. Contact the Parish Office for more information. Note: Parents are reminded that an adult must always accompany children if they have to leave the worship area during Mass. Please be aware that the Church is a public building and this policy is enforced for the safety of your children.
Skaneateles Clergy Association. St. Mary’s pastor participates in periodic ecumenical meetings with fellow religious leaders in the Skaneateles Area.
Skaneateles Ecumenical Food Pantry. Donations for the Food Pantry maybe dropped off at St. Mary’s. Specific needs for the Food Pantry are listed weekly in the Parish Bulletin. The Pantry is located at the Skaneateles Transportation Center, 820 West Genesee Street (behind the Cedar House) and is open on Tuesdays from 9:30am to 11am and on Thursdays from 6:30pm - 7:30pm.
Televised Sunday Mass. Sunday Mass airs every week in the Syracuse area on WSYR – Ch. 9 – Syracuse, 6:30 AM on Sundays, on Time Warner Cable (serving Skaneateles and Auburn) Ch. 4 on Sundays at 10:30 AM and on Time Warner Cable Syracuse, Ch. 98 at 8:30 PM on Saturdays. A televised Sunday Mass also airs on ABC Family from 6:30 to 7:00 AM each Sunday morning. The Sunday Mass is produced by the Passionist Fathers and Brothers out of New York City and is available nationally on local affiliates. Too early for you? Tape it, Tivo it or watch it online. For more information consult the website at
Travel. If you spend your winters in Florida, or any other warm location, or will be traveling for extended periods, please advise the Parish Office, (315) 685-5083, when you are leaving and when you plan to return so that we may notify the envelope company. This will save duplicate postage.
Ushers. There are always opportunities for people to serve as ushers. If you are interested please call the Parish Office, (315) 685-5083.