The Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith lives. This means it is both the climax of who we are – the culmination of a week’s worth of faith, and also the pool where we fill our buckets for the next week. Regular celebration of the Sacrament keeps our souls healthy, just like exercise keeps our bodies healthy. By deepening our understanding of the Eucharist and the Mass, we can come to know the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist and embrace our role as active participants in the Mass and disciples of Christ in the world.
First Communion: The first celebration of Communion (the Rite of coming forward to receive the Body and Blood of Christ) is a moment of Christian Initiation. By coming to the Lord’s Table, communicants begin fully celebrating in the life of the Church. It is a parish’s privilege to celebrate with them. We are not complete without all our members – including the children.
Registration for First Communion takes place at an information meeting in the spring prior to the start of the program year. Preparation for the celebration of First Communion begins in the winter, with a parent kick-off meeting. Catechesis in preparation for the first celebration of the Sacrament of the Eucharist is an especially graced time. It is an opportunity to invite children to recognize and receive with gratitude the gift of grace offered through Christ’s eucharistic presence. The celebration takes place in the spring.
Prior to preparing for Communion, children should be enrolled in Reconciliation preparation. It is also important that they are working in a Formation or Religious Education program that provides them with the foundation for the lives as Catholics.
Additional information can be found HERE.