Joseph's House Mission Statement
Joseph's House promotes the sancity of life and the dignity of women by providing a nuturing home for mothers facing an unplanned pregnancy. The physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of the mother and her baby are cared for through the loving direction of staff members and access to resources including, educational, occupational and spiritual in the Catholic tradition, giving them the opportunity to achieve their God-given potential.
Joseph House Event! Christian contemporary singer/song writer Matt Maher
August 1st, 2014, 7:30 pm at Believer's Chapel
Please join us in welcoming international contemporary Christian musician, songwriter, and worship leader Matt Maher for a special evening to benefit the Joseph's House for Women Ministry. Matt Maher has written and produced six solo albums to date. Three of his albums have reached the Top 25 Christian Albums Billboard chart and four of his singles have reached the Top 25 Christian Songs chart. - See more at:
May 2013 Introduction of Joseph House
Joseph’s House is a new ministry in the Syracuse area. One of our parishioners, Kitty Spinelli has pursued this as a result of her own prayer and zealous respect for life. We see it as an opportunity for our parish and personal support. These are Kitty’s own words which were presented to our Parish on Mother’s Day 2013.
Thank you Father McGrath and Happy Mother's Day to all!
I am here to tell you about a new misson being founded in Syracuse called Joseph's House. Joseph's House will be a home for women facing an unplanned pregnancy who find themselves with no where to go because they are choosing to have their babies. We know from our work with the local pregnancy care centers and the 40 Days for Life people there is a need for this. Everyday a young woman in our area chooses to have an abortion because she doesn't have support from those she loves. She actually faces the reality of being homeless if she doesn't have an abortion. It is time for us as Catholics to help these women, and I think that is why Our Lord planted the seed of Joseph's House in my heart and mind.
You should know Joseph's House was founded in prayer. Thousands of Rosaries, hundreds of masses, frequent confessions, many hours of Adoration and time on the sidewalk talking to young women and praying for them to make the right choice. I told Our Lord on more than one occasion that I would do whatever He wanted me to do in thanksgiving for all the wonderous gifts he has given me in my life, and He has taken me up on my offer. I promised Him I would go way outside my comfort zone to help Him do whatever He had planned for my life, and the fact I am standing here right now, is proof that He has taken me up on that offer also.
Joseph's House is God's work, and it is being built in God's time. He is the only way to explain the trememdous progress we have made in six short months. He is the only way to explain the way hearts are touched and support is garnered everywhere we go. He has assembled a team of us to get the job done and right now He is opening doors to us in parishes all over the county because He wants us to raise the funds to get this home purchased and its doors opened. So we are asking you to take home a Bably Bottle, fill it to the brim with all of your spare change and return it to us on Father's Day. Please also support the Pregnancy Care Center of auburn with gently used baby clothing,diapers, mattresses, strollers and all other things baby.
I will close with the words of Our Lord to Jeremiah, "I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb...before you were born I set you apart". What does Our Lord in Heaven know about you? And what is it, that He set you apart to do for Him?
On Mother's Day please pray for all mother's, especially new and expectant mothers an also remember Joseph's House, for the women we will one day serve, and the babies we will one day save. May God Bless You Abundantly! Many Thanks!