As the final Sacrament of Initiation, Confirmation marks the point where a Catholic chooses to continue his/her faith journey on the path chosen at Baptism. Rather than an ending, Confirmation is best seen as a new beginning, much like the end of a story’s introduction it allows the remainder of the story to be told.
In order to ensure a good base for the rest of one’s faith journey, youth in the Diocese of Rochester are asked to solidify what has come before, from their education in the faith to their living the faith, over the course of two years (beginning in 8th grade and culminating in 9th). At the end of the second year, the parish will gather for a celebration of the Sacrament with the Bishop.
If you are an adult seeking the sacrament of Confirmation, please click HERE for information on the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) program.
Throughout the preparation, candidates gather to further their understanding of the Church, their faith, and the Sacrament. Because this journey is not made alone, sponsors and/or parents join the candidates at certain sessions.
Information and registration for 8th grade prep is done in the spring of 7th grade. Please call (685-5083) or email Victoria Wejko for dates and time.