Welcome to St. Mary's of the Lake





If you are new to our Parish, a thousand welcomes.  St. Mary’s is a parish with a rich tradition that dates back to 177 years of ministry, worship and community.  We are proud of our heritage and of who we are today.  The information contained in this booklet will give you some idea of the scope of our ministry and also of the many opportunities for lay participation in the various ministries.  Without this participation we would be pressed to carry out our Divine call to say the least.


The call to stewardship for each of us is threefold, the giving of our time, talent and treasure.  We need to answer as individuals the question raised by the Psalmist, “what can I give back to the Lord for all that He has given me”.  As a parish community, we will ask for and make the best use of the talents and gifts that each person has to offer.  We ask for your prayerful consideration of how you can be good stewards with us.


For those who are not new, we ask once again that you too consider the ways in which you can be more visible to our ministry.  Remember, we join with the universal church in the Year of Faith as we enter into the New Evangelization.  This is a time when we relearn our Faith and then live what we learn by sharing it with those who seek.


May God bless us as we go forth rejoicing in our faith, our lasting gift from God.