Welcome to St. Mary's of the Lake

Faith Formation / Religious Education

Welcome to the St. Mary's of the Lake Faith Formation / Religious Education page including general information on Faith Formation, Class calendars, Grade 2 Sacramental Preparation, Confirmation, and Adult Faith programs.

Faith Formation.  This includes classes for Kindergarten through Seventh Grade and the Confirmation I & II Program (Grade 8 & 9).  Children must be registered for classes.   Please call the Parish Office for class schedules and registration information.

Sacramental Requirements in Faith Formation:

  • First Eucharist: Please note that all Children must have completed the Grade 1 Faith Formation to be enrolled in the Grade 2  Program for 1st Reconciliation and 1st Eucharist.
  • Confirmation Program: All students must have completed the 7th grade program year in order to be enrolled in the Confirmation program beginning in Grade 8. The Confirmation Program is a two year commitment.
  • Special Needs Faith Formation: Children with special needs are welcome in all of our Faith formation and Sacramental preparation programs; we are happy to work with you in offering a program suitable for your child.  Please contact the Director of Faith Formation.

Catechists, Substitute Catechists and Hall Monitors.  In order to provide Faith Formation for the children of our parish, we need many volunteers each year who are willing to serve as catechists.  The Director of Faith Formation will trains and provide support to the Catechists and volunteers.  Please our Director of Faith Formation for additional information or to volunteer.

Safe Environment Program.  In compliance with the USCCB, “Protecting God’s Children”, Adult Awareness Sessions are available and free to all adult parishioners.  This training is mandated for all Clergy, Religious, all employees and any volunteer whose ministry brings them into contact with children.  Contact the Parish Office for more information.  Note:  Parents are reminded that an adult must always accompany children if they have to leave the worship area during Mass.  Please be aware that the Church is a public building and this policy is enforced for the safety of your children.